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Understanding Your Target Heart Rate

Understanding Your Target Heart Rate, American Health and Fitness, Russellville Alabama, Moulton Alabama

Table of Contents

When you’re working out, it’s important to make sure you’re doing so safely and effectively. One way to measure this is by monitoring your heart rate. In order to know what target heart rate to aim for during your workouts, it’s first important to understand what that means. Read on for more information on target heart rates and how to calculate them for yourself.

What is target heart rate and how is it determined?

Target heart rate is the number of beats per minute (bpm) that your heart contracts and expands at while you’re exercising. This is different than the resting heart rate, which refers to how many times per minute your heart beats on average when doing nothing. Your target heart rate can be used as a guideline for determining if you are exercising with the right intensity.

What factors determine my target heart rate?

The formula to calculate your target heart rate is 220 minus your age, multiplied by 60-85 percent. For example, if you are 30 years old your recommended maximum average target heart rate would be: 220 – 30 (your age) = 190 x 85% = 161 bpm (beats per minute)

So, the target heart rate (and therefore the intensity) of your workout depends on your age. As you get older, it becomes more difficult to achieve and stay within the optimal target range for exercising with enough intensity. This is because an older person’s resting heart rate is higher than a younger person’s. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to get their heart rate up high enough during exercise in order to meet or exceed the upper limit of their target range.

How do I know if my target heart rate is too low or too high?

Generally, you want your heart rate to be within the lower half of your targeted range while working out. You can use a heart monitor or a simpler way of guesstimating is by taking your pulse at the radial artery. Place two fingers gently on your wrist and feel for the rhythm of your heartbeat. Count how many beats you get in fifteen seconds, multiply that number by four to find out how many times per minute you’re beating and then see if this falls within your target heart rate range. If it does, you’re right on track for the appropriate intensity of your workout.

If your pulse is at the higher end or above your targeted range, you may be exercising too intensely and should slow down. Conversely, if you cannot reach your pulse high enough to meet the lower limit of your target range, you may need to increase your intensity. You can do this by either adding resistance or speed when working out.

What are the benefits of knowing my target heart rate?

Your target heart rate is a good guide for seeing if your workout is effective and safe because it ensures that you’re exercising at an intensity that will get you results in a safe manner. To maximize your workout, you need to work hard enough in order to get fit but not so hard that you harm yourself.

If I’m trying to burn fat, what does my target heart rate need to be? It is recommended that when trying to lose weight through cardiovascular exercise (such as running or cycling), the target heart rate should be 50 percent to 70 percent of your maximum. If you are not sure what your maximum is, go for a short test run around the block or use an exercise machine in your gym until you can determine it. You may want to re-test every few weeks so that you have an accurate measure of how much you’ve improved.

What does the training zone mean?

When you are exercising, you should be working out at different intensities to maximize your fat burning potential. The training zone refers to how hard you are working during your workout. It is important not to work too hard or for too long because this can lead to injuries and overtraining syndrome. To stay within your training zone, you should vary how fast and how long you workout at a given intensity. For example: slow down if your heart rate is too high or speed up if it’s too low – this will help you achieve the optimal calorie-burning benefits of your exercise.

It is important to note that everyone’s body responds differently to particular exercise intensities. An overweight person’s target heart rate may be lower than a trained athlete, simply because it is more difficult for them to get their heart rate up high enough during exercise in order to meet or exceed the upper limit of their target range.

Tips for maintaining your target heart rate throughout your workout

  • Wear a heart monitor to give you real-time feedback and ensure you’re within the right zone.
  • Take your pulse at the radial artery of your wrist before and after your workout. If it’s lower than when you began, slow down; if it’s higher, speed up.
  • Keep an eye on your breathing routine

American Health and Fitness has the facility and equipment and now that you know the importance of your target heart rate and how it affects you. We want to help you with a plan for the rest of your workout, we recommend that you choose an aerobic exercise such as running or biking. You can also try out some yoga poses like downward dog to stretch out after this intense session! Are there any other questions? Feel free to contact us and inquire about joining our gym today!

As always, please consult with a physician prior to beginning any exercise program or diet. See full medical disclaimer here.

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