Six Reasons to Join a Gym
“I exercise at home, I don’t need to join a gym.” “Exercise videos are cheaper than a personal trainer and I can do them in the privacy of my home.” Do these things sound familiar? I hear it from people all the time. There’s a place for everyone at the gym; and, in fact, there […]
Stay in Shape with 4 Great Gym Exercises
Gym exercises are a great way to stay in shape. However, there are so many different exercises that it can be hard to know which ones to do. Here are four great gym exercises that will help you stay in shape. Stay in Shape with a Treadmill Run The treadmill run is a great way […]
13 Controversial Health and Fitness Myths
Have your ever heard the slogan… No pain, no gain! Below are 13 controversial health and fitness myths to help you make the best decisions about your health. Because sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know especially when it comes to your overall health and fitness making it more difficult to reach your fitness […]
3 Tips For the Best Weight Loss Strategy
The weight loss journey is not an easy one. It takes hard work, dedication, and the right strategy to be successful and to reduce body fat. There are so many different ways to lose weight these days that it can be overwhelming for someone who is just starting out. We have compiled a list of […]